Become a Dental Assistant
We are located throughout the Southeast
GEORGIA: Marietta, Douglasville & Newnan
Tennessee: Knoxville & Chattanooga
Become A Dental Assistant in Tennessee
Want more? We also offer front office administration, orthodontic assisting, and dental instructor training as well as continuing education classes for sealant, nitrous, and coronal polishing.
Take control of your education and start your career right away. Dental Staff School – Make it Happen.
This program allows the student to: Keep their day job while attending school and more quickly move into the workforce where they can advance their career — rather than spending up to a year in a classroom.
The philosophy of the Dental Staff School is based on a belief that people can be trained in a relatively short period of time provided you focus on the critical skills to enter the world of professional Dental Assisting. Our course is developed by experienced Dentists and experienced practicing Dental Assistants working in the dental community every day.
Choosing a career as a Dental Assistant is a smart decision, since entry-level dental professionals are very much in demand now. According to the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of Dental Assistants is expected to grow much faster than the average for all occupations through the year 2022. In fact, Dental Assisting careers are expected to be among the fastest growing occupations through 2020.
As a student you should plan on at least 6-8 hours of homework each week
DENTAL ASSISTING 101 with Radiology
Corporate location: 3020 Roswell Road N.E.
Marietta, GA 30062
Campus location: 1715 Downtown West Blvd.
Knoxville, TN 37919678-819-3919
Course offered 4 times per year – Winter, Spring, Summer & Fall
This is a ten-week, fulltime course designed to provide training for the student who would like to enter the workforce as a dental assistant. Through lectures, demonstrations and hands-on experience, the participants will become familiar with the terminology and practice of current dental techniques.
The program covers the topics that are basic to the practice of dentistry:
• Obtaining dental records and preparing a patient for treatment
• Sterilization and disinfection of instruments and equipment
• Prepare treatment rooms and tray set ups for dental procedures
• Prepare materials for making impressions and restorations
• Digital Images and Radiographs
• Instructing patients in oral health care and provide post-operative instruction.
Basic principles will be stressed, participants will be able to adapt to different dental practice patterns and be prepared to enter the workforce as an effective member of the dental health team.
This classes consist of 120 clinical and 40 hours online and upon completion you will receive your Certificate in Dental Assisting and be state certified in Dental Radiology and Safety. Tennessee students will receive RDA License. Dental Staff School is authorized by as a postsecondary educational institution by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission
• Dental Assisting with Radiology and Expanded Functions $5,000.00
Includes RDA. Tennessee State Board of Dentistry approved program.
Tuition includes the following:
• 10:1 student to teacher ratio
• Textbook: Modern Dental Assisting 12th Edition
• Evolve Instructor lead Online Course and Evolve Resources
• Required instruments and supplies
• A set of Dental School scrubs
• Regular class attendance is essential for success in this course. We understand that unforeseen circumstances occasionally arise that may result in a student being absent; however, given the brevity of the Dental Assisting Program, student absences are strongly discouraged.
• Visit
• Click on registration and follow the prompts
• Secure your seat by clicking on the submit button and choosing a payment option.
• Call our corporate office with ANY questions at 678-819-3919.
• Payment in full.
• $2500 payment at registration and weekly payments of $250 each week for 10 weeks.
• $1250 payment at registration, $1250 at orientation and weekly payments of $250 each week
for 10 weeks.
• PayPal
• WIA, VA, MYCAA and G-I Bill
• Care Credit 1-800-365-8295 (18 months interest free)
• Call our corporate office with ANY questions at 678-819-3919.
or call 678-819-3919 for more information.
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Knoxville Winter 2020 – Saturday, January 4 to Saturday, March 7, 2020. 8 am to 5 pm.
(Orientation: Friday, January 3 from 9 am to 4 pm.)
Knoxville Spring 2020 – Saturday, March 14 to Saturday May 16, 2020. 8 am to 5 pm.
(Orientation: Friday, March 13 from 9 am to 4 pm.)
Knoxville Summer 2020 – Saturday July 11 to Saturday September 12, 2020. 8 am to 5 pm.
(Orientation: Friday, July 10 from 9 am to 4 pm.)
Knoxville Fall 2020 – Saturday, Sept. 19 to Saturday, Nov. 21, 2020. 8 am to 5 pm.
(Orientation: Friday, Sept. 18 from 9 am to 4 pm)