Practice Resource
Looking for qualified employees? Check here first to see if any candidates are available in your area. Our graduate resumes are the perfect place to start with qualified assistants.
Post Resume
Post opening for Job Opportunities
Description of Employment Assistance Provided
Employment in the dental industry is often obtained through word of mouth contacts between practicing dentists and staff. Dentists seeking skilled, trained, and knowledgeable dental assistants often contact us when they are ready to hire. We then consult our files of resumes of recent graduates and attempt to match the two, while keeping in mind personality style and geographic location. Part of your training will involve the Job Interview itself, how to prepare for it, how to dress, what to say, etc. Our students are a reflection on us and we want them to be fully prepared.
Dental Staff School’s Internship Program:
The Dental Staff School offers a internship program for dental practices. This allows students to gain a working knowledge in dental practices and provides the office- a way to boost productivity. This is also a creative way of seeing if an assistant is right for your office. This gives you the opportunity to evaluate their performance before you hire. You only have to volunteer to become one of our Internship practices. It’s simple.
The program is totally flexible; you can decide days, hours and times. Remember, they have already had extensive training in a real dental office, using each other for patients, patients provided by Waldron Dentistry, and by practicing on training mannequins. The Dental Staff School will provide you with a picture ID, current resume, and analysis/competency sheet.
There is NO FEE to participate. Call today at 678-819-3919
or e-mail me your dental office information
Dental Staff School’s Placement Program:
Our graduates are currently employed in many offices throughout metro Atlanta and surrounding suburbs. Students are prepared and eager to be a part of the dental community. There is NO FEE to your office when you request one of our students. All graduates are certified in Radiology and Safety and are trained in all aspects of Dentistry. Graduates are employed by general dentists, oral surgeons, orthodontists, periodontists, and pediodontists.
Graduating students have had extensive hands-on experience with actual chair-side assisting time, four-handed assisting, impressions, pouring, trimming, emphasizing proper instrument transfer techniques and how to use HVE suction. This program is taught in a real working dental office with instructors currently practicing in dentistry .
Our instructors are not retired or teaching from past experience with old dental books and materials. Our dental team instructors have current expanded duty certifications, currently work in the dental field, and the dentist at Waldron Dentistry are practicing dentistry on a ongoing and daily basis .
You can be assured that our students have been taught the very latest techniques and current treatment room procedures using modern, state-of-the-art equipment. (Cerec Machine, Digital Radiographs, digital shade matching, glazing oven, and Isolite) We provide our graduates to you at NO FEE!
Dental Staff School’s Doctor/Student Referral Fee
This program provides a referral fee paid to the workplace, doctor, or individuals who refer students to our Dental Assistant School. We will also provide a full-color flyer in an nice-looking stand for your reception area. On this flyer, there is a place to put your practice or your name (include address and phone #) so that we know how the prospective student was referred to our school.
We will send you a check for $100, once the students starts our program, for every student you refer! It’s just that easy!
Contact the school for more information:
Phone: 678-819-3919 or email: