Registered dental assistants must obtain twenty-four (24) hours of continuing education during the audit cycle. The current cycle runs from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2018. Anyone initially licensed in 2017 or 2018 is exempt from the current cycle. All other dental assistants must obtain the required hours and maintain CPR certification during the entire audit period.
At least two (2) of the twenty-four (24) hours must be in the subject of chemical dependency. Failure to comply with the continuing education requirements may subject you to disciplinary action.
As previously reported, the board has partnered with CE Broker to allow licensees to manage and track their continuing education. Please visit learn more about this partnership and for a link to CE Brokers website.
This email is being sent to all currently licensed dental assistants with email addresses. If a dental assistant does not receive this email it is due to either there was no email on file with the board office or an email that is no longer valid is on file with the board office. Everyone needs to check to verify the board office has the correct mailing, practice and email addresses, including correct phone numbers. The address information can be verified in the new online licensure system which is accessible at Just click on Licensure Renewal to be taken to the licensure system. If you have not already created an account, you will need to begin as a new user and then add your license to the account. If you have a license in another profession, you can add multiple licenses to the same account. Please do not let anyone create an account for you since your license can only be added to one account. If your office manager or someone else creates the account and then leaves the office or is not available, you will not be able to access your licensure information to make changes or to renew.
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